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高性能集群的作业调度通常使用作业调度系统来实现,准确填写作业运行时间能在很大程度上提升作业调度效率。现有的研究通常使用机器学习的预测方式,在预测精度和实用性上还存在一定的提升空间。为了进一步提高集群作业运行时间预测的准确率,考虑先对集群作业日志进行聚类,将作业类别信息添加到作业特征中,再使用基于注意力机制的NR-Transformer网络对作业日志数据建模和预测。在数据处理上,根据与预测目标的相关性、特征的完整性和数据的有效性,从历史日志数据集中筛选出7维特征,并按作业运行时间的长度将其划分为多个作业集,再对各作业集分别进行训练和预测。实验结果表明,相比于传统机器学习和BP神经网络,时序神经网络结构有更好的预测性能,其中NR-Transformer在各作业集上都有较好的性能。  相似文献   
格点量子色动力学(格点QCD)是研究夸克、胶子等微观粒子间相互作用的重要理论和方法. 通过将时空离散化为四维结构网格, 并将量子色动力学的基本场量定义在网格上, 让研究人员可以使用数值模拟方法, 从第一性原理出发研究强子间相互作用和性质, 但这个过程中的计算量极大, 需要进行大规模并行计算. 格点QCD计算的核心基础为格点QCD求解器, 是程序运行主要的计算热点模块. 本文研究在国产异构计算平台下格点QCD求解器的实现与优化, 提出一套格点QCD求解器的设计实现, 实现了BiCGSTAB求解器, 显著降低了迭代次数; 通过对奇偶预处理技术, 降低了所求问题的计算规模; 针对国产异构加速卡的特点, 优化了Dslash模块的访存操作. 实验测试表明, 相比优化前的求解器获得了约30倍的加速比, 为国产异构超算下格点QCD软件性能优化提供了有益的参考价值.  相似文献   
洛钼集团矿山公司三道庄矿区由于历史原因,露天开采境界地下内存在的采空区已危及矿山公司的正常安全生产,阻碍了洛钼集团可持续发展。为解决这一重大问题,经过充分调研和多方论证,认为深孔一次爆破成井技术是解决此类采空区难题唯一的经济上合理、技术可行、安全可靠的手段与途径。深孔爆破成井实现与采空区顶板的贯通,使采空区边岩稳定,顶岩暴露面积缩小,确保了采空区的稳定;保证了台阶正常推进。  相似文献   
5G系统将移动通信服务从移动电话、移动宽带和大规模机器通信扩展到新的应用领域,即所谓对通信服务有特殊要求的垂直领域。对使能未来工厂的5G能力进行了全面的分析总结,包括弹性网络架构、灵活频谱、超可靠低时延通信、时间敏感网络、安全和定位,而弹性网络架构又包括对网络切片、非公共网络、5G局域网和边缘计算的支持。希望从广度到深度,对相关的理论及技术应用做透彻、全面的梳理,对其挑战做清晰的总结,从而为相关研究和工程技术人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   
移动边缘云是公司“云+5G”双引擎战略的最佳契合点,边缘网络是发挥移动云“大云”产品和5G网络融合优势,实现云网统筹、构建运营商“连接+计算”核心能力的关键。运营商传统接入网存在云网割裂、分段入云和组网复杂等突出问题,难以适应边缘业务敏捷交付要求。本文通过深入分析边缘云业务特征和技术架构,对标业界主流云商建设实践,研究基于云网PoP网的边缘网络建设思路,创新性提出云网一体化规划设计和建设交付流程变革,基于云网POP统一网络和业务锚点,构建Overlay和Underlay融合双层加速网络架构,探索Spine-leaf化的新型城域接入网实现L3下沉和弹性扩容等方法,实现“云+网+应用”一体化敏捷交付的边缘网络能力。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the capability of Guo et al.'s (2021) equations to determine the discharge of radial gates under submerged flow conditions. It was concluded that Guo et al.'s (2021) equations are associated with error reduction compared to the Incomplete Self-Similarity (ISS) theory and the calibration method. However, it does not have a significant advantage over Energy-Momentum (E-M) approach. Employing E-M principles, new equations were proposed to determine the discharge of radial gates, which has some advantages compared to Guo et al. (2021), such as (1) error reduction under partially and fully submerged flow conditions, (2) least dependence on the empirical constants, (3) uniformity of form over the entire submerged condition, and (4) no need to classify the submerged flow. Field calibration showed that the proposed equations in the present study for a single gate predict the discharge of parallel radial gates with a mean absolute error of less than 4.5% subject to the submerged operation of all open gates.  相似文献   
Edge Computing is one of the radically evolving systems through generations as it is able to effectively meet the data saving standards of consumers, providers and the workers. Requisition for Edge Computing based items have been increasing tremendously. Apart from the advantages it holds, there remain lots of objections and restrictions, which hinders it from accomplishing the need of consumers all around the world. Some of the limitations are constraints on computing and hardware, functions and accessibility, remote administration and connectivity. There is also a backlog in security due to its inability to create a trust between devices involved in encryption and decryption. This is because security of data greatly depends upon faster encryption and decryption in order to transfer it. In addition, its devices are considerably exposed to side channel attacks, including Power Analysis attacks that are capable of overturning the process. Constrained space and the ability of it is one of the most challenging tasks. To prevail over from this issue we are proposing a Cryptographic Lightweight Encryption Algorithm with Dimensionality Reduction in Edge Computing. The t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding is one of the efficient dimensionality reduction technique that greatly decreases the size of the non-linear data. The three dimensional image data obtained from the system, which are connected with it, are dimensionally reduced, and then lightweight encryption algorithm is employed. Hence, the security backlog can be solved effectively using this method.  相似文献   
在通讯设备爆炸式增长的时代,移动边缘计算作为5G通讯技术的核心技术之一,对其进行合理的资源分配显得尤为重要。移动边缘计算的思想是把云计算中心下沉到基站部署(边缘云),使云计算中心更加靠近用户,以快速解决计算资源分配问题。但是,相对于大型的云计算中心,边缘云的计算资源有限,传统的虚拟机分配方式不足以灵活应对边缘云的计算资源分配问题。为解决此问题,提出一种根据用户综合需求变化的动态计算资源和频谱分配算法(DRFAA),采用"分治"策略,并将资源模拟成"流体"资源进行分配,以寻求较大的吞吐量和较低的传输时延。实验仿真结果显示,动态计算资源和频谱分配算法可以有效地降低用户与边缘云之间的传输时延,也可以提高边缘云的吞吐量。  相似文献   
We propose a full Eulerian incompressible solid-fluid interaction scheme capable of achieving high parallel efficiency and easily generating meshes for complex solid geometries. While good scalability of a full Eulerian solid-fluid interaction formulation has been reported by Sugiyama et al, their analysis was carried out using uniform Cartesian mesh and an artificial compressibility method. Typically, it is more challenging to achieve good scalability for hierarchical Cartesian meshes and a fully incompressible formulation. In addition, the conventional full Eulerian methods require a large computational cost to resolve complex solid geometries due to the usage of uniform Cartesian meshes. In an attempt to overcome the aforementioned issues, we employ the building-cube method, where the computational domain is divided into cubic regions called cubes. Each cube is divided at equal intervals, the same number of cubes is assigned to each core, and the spatial loop processing is executed for each cube. The numerical method is verified by computing five numerical examples. In the weak scaling test, the parallel efficiency at 32768 cores with 32 cores as a reference is 93.6%. In the strong scaling test, the parallel efficiency at 32768 cores with 128 cores as a reference is 70.2%.  相似文献   
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